All posts tagged: hair breakage

Hair Loss in Women: Please Tell Me That I Am Not Alone!

Many people—and women especially—take great pride in their hair. It makes sense, as your crowning glory is just as front and center, just as visible to the rest of the world, as your face. Losing some hair every day is completely normal. It’s a sign your body’s growing new, healthy ones to replace the old. In fact, losing 50 to 100 hairs per day is normal.  You can also kind of get an idea of what’s normal for you by just paying attention to what you typically see on your brush or in the shower drain. So…. lately my hair has been falling out. Like lots of hair! In the shower, on my brush, or even when just walking around the house. Oh hello there 8 random strands of hair on my shirt. Thanks for letting go! Not!! Oh, and there is breakage too!! What the!! I’m getting side-swept bangs without even trying! I am wondering if it is because I go to the gym about 4 days out of 7 and put my hair in …